Wednesday, January 21, 2009


For Banner we were given the option to write our heart out about a subject we are passionate about. Unfortunately for them, this topic is very wide open and gives me free reign; which is (of course) a very dangerous thing. On the other hand, fortunately for me, this allows me to write about something I already have previous knowledge of. A tool that is very useful in the hands of a busy college student. The following is my personal opinion coupled with research on one subject that irks me to the core: sex in the advertising industry.

It is sometimes amazing to me just how obsessed our nation is with just a simple three letter word. Sex. Simply utter the word in a crowd and immediately you will hold the attention of a vast majority of the room. Today, we seem to live in a society that craves and is fascinated by the very thing that allows any species to procreate.

The famous sex psychotherapist Sigmund Freud once said,

“Sexual love is undoubtedly one of the chief things in life…all the world knows this and conducts its life accordingly.”

While voices in the world of psychotherapy will often argue that Freud’s definition and intention behind his frequent usage of the word “sex” is often misunderstood, it is clear that the media, particularly advertising agencies, have no problem understanding human motivation and how to manipulate it. Today’s media is rampant with sexual innuendoes and subliminal messages.

In the case of advertising, these images are often unwarranted and sometimes completely unrelated to the product. The increasing exposure to such images and subconscious messages can be detrimental to our society as a whole, particularly to the self image and priorities of our youth. Movies have ratings, but innocent TV or internet surfing can quickly lead to blatant and unwarranted exposure to sexual images and innuendos.

I want to know whatever happened to innocence in the world! I fear that my young son or daughter may not have the ability to grow up in a world where their hearts and minds even have a chance at remaining even relatively pure and naive. In an article entitled Goodbye to Girlhood, which ran in the Washington Post in Febuary of 2007, parents and psychologists alike share disgust at the ever increasing emphasis on sex and body image to children at younger and younger ages. One psychologist remarks, “Being a sexual person isn't about being a pole dancer,” she chides. “This is a sort of sex education girls are getting, and it's a misleading one.”

Even though sex may rapidly get the audiences attention, I think it is crucial that we, as consumers, are aware of and think about the subliminal (and maybe not so subtle) messages that the industry has indoctrinated our culture with.

Sex is good for business; that much is clear, but I think it is important that we ask ourselves to what extent will we allow the ball to continue to roll and at what cost? Have the media and marketing agencies gone too far in their vast and flagrant use of all things and images sexual? Even though our exposure to sexual images can be unwarranted and without notice, the American does have power over the advertising industry. It is with that green piece of paper or plastic card found in your wallet. Your money!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Salvation Celebration

Like most of the seemingly general populace of California Baptist, I grew up in a Christian home. My family was involved with and went to church on a regular basis. I remember my father reading to my sister and I late at night from the “Beginner’s Bible” and then we would have family prayer time. I was raised on a healthy dosage of Christian media and resources also. “Psalty the Singing Song Book,” “The Donut Man,” or Steven Curtis Chapman were practically members of the family. (If you don’t know what these are feel free to look them up.) In fact it was through a Psalty video that I really began to understand what it meant to be “saved” and asked Jesus into my heart.

I don’t remember much because I was only about six, but one day I was watching "Psalty's Salvation Celebration" on VHS and heard that I had something called "sin" in my life. I knew already that I did bad things...that was nothing new. (After all, why else would my dad spank me.) The video explained that I needed Jesus to come into my heart and save me. The video then asked me to then close my eyes and I prayed along with the video and ask Jesus to come into my heart. Immediately following the prayer, I went into the kitchen where my mom was and informed her of the glorious event that has transpired. She asked me a few questions to make sure I truly understood. I did. That was the day I believe I was saved.

However, I think that there comes a point in every young Christian’s life when following Jesus hits home and becomes a real conscious choice. For me, that day was 9/11/01. “The day that will live in infamy.” When the planes hit the Twin Towers, I came to the very rapid and harsh reality that is death. I found that my own faith had been shaken along with the foundations of our nations. I began questioning my own faith and what would happen to me if I had died that day. That night, I affirmed and rededicated my life to Christ. I was about 12.

Unfortunately, like all sinners, I had a brief time in my life where I ignored the Lord and his gentle pleading tug on my heart. I fell for the romance of men instead of an everlasting love and was betrayed by men and my own heart. During a philosophy course on religion, I began questioning the very existence of this God I claimed to serve. I eventually bottomed out. I felt so far removed from the Lord that I wondered if I would ever truly find my way back.

By his grace, I did and am.

In August, I found a chance for a fresh start. A new life away from secular philosophy professors and ex-boyfriends. During a retreat, I felt sharp stab at my heart as my Savior broke me down and reclaimed me as his own. It was the fall of 2009. The start of my junior year. My entrance into California Baptist University.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back to the daily grind...or not.

I arrived back in Southern California last night around midnight. After a relatively emotionally trying night, I was ready more than ready to be greeted by the warm embrace that my close friends held for me. There is something so peaceful and comforting about the hug of a friend who truly cares about you and missed you dearly. Although I was tired, I stayed up late to talk to friends before eventually collapsing in shear exhaustion. Every once of energy had been drained from me. My body was soon engulfed by the deepest and quietest sleep I had experienced all break.

Surprisingly, I awoke early the next morning without the aid of my alarm clock. The sweet promise of the warm breeze, that awaited me beyond my front door, was all but more than I needed to encourage me to emerge from the soft sanctuary that was my bed. I stepped out of my apartment to find that my FATHER had granted all my wishes for the day.

(More to come....maybe)