Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A little obsessive...

I have noticed that CBU has a case of slight OCD. This school has a few things that it just obsesses over. Some of it is entertaining and some of it is slightly annoying. For instance...lawn care! It is just kind of ridiculous. There is not a day that goes by that that I don't see someone cutting, spraying, watering, trimming, name it! It is entertaining because it seems that they have done so much to the Stamps lawn that it has just shriveled up and died all together. I just want to laugh every time I see it.

And there is another thing that is obsessed over here at California Baptist and it is three little letters. U. C. O. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE the UCO! I have tons of friends in the University Choir, the orchestra or one of the other choirs and I love them all dearly. But, please people, come on! It gets a little insane over in that multi-million dollar building. Expensive laptops, suits, dresses, pantyhose, curled hair, sparkly earrings, the works! It's a little nuts.

Okay, I will admit it. There are a few things I have begun to obsess over since I came to Cal Baptist. First of which is my mailbox. I love to get mail! I think I checked my mail 4 times today. I am not kidding. Sad thing was it was empty every time!
Oh well...just one more day in this transplanted midwesterner!

Monday, September 15, 2008

First thoughts on Cali...

Well, here I am. A Missouri girl on the west coast. How did this happen? This is insane! Insane, but a welcome sort of insanity. I have been in California a grand total of 24 days and in those 24 days I have observed several things.
  • California drivers drive fast...duh....and so do drivers from Mexico.
  • Some OC girls really are like the show. Some are not. Know the difference.
  • Once you find a parking spot in Newport Beach, STAY THERE! Don't try to find another.
  • Make sure the above parking spot is not in a "red zone" before you parallel park between a Mercedes and a BMW.
  • The Mercedes, BMW and other cars way too expensive to drive, own the road...or at least their drivers think they do.
  • There are big bugs here. Beetles the size of a half dollar and that will fly at your ears and head. There are also black widows and your friends will try to scare you with them. Your friends will succeed.
  • God has a sense of humor. Sometimes he lets us squirm a bit so he can come pull us out of it.
  • Waves don't like swimsuits. Swimsuits don't like sand.
  • You can not wash your car and have it stay clean. It is impossible.
  • Noxema+sunburns=heaven
  • When your guy friends get sunburned (and they will), someone has to rub aloe on them. If you are a girl, volunteer for the job.
That is all I have to say for now. More musings to come...